You have been studying and reading Warriors Don't Cry by Melba
Pattillo Beals. The book is a personal narrative about Melba's life in
Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957. During that year, Melba chose to attend
a new high school, just as you did this year when you came to Curie.
Now, you are already an expert on your own time period. You know about
current events that are affecting you, your family, and your country.
You know what to expect from your neighborhood and by now, your society at
school. You know what is "in" and what is "out" in terms of music,
clothes, slang, and more. But what if.... what if.... you were sent
back in time to 1957? And not to 1957 in Chicago, but 1957 in Little
Rock. What would you do?
This site is designed to lead you and your group members on a web quest.
Work through the links in this site to complete this group project.
Be ready to take notes. Be ready to work together to get everything
done. Once this quest is over, you and your group will have become
experts in some aspect of the 1957 world Melba lived in and you will have
created a time capsule to illustrate your knowledge of the civil rights era.