You may also want to consider the following:
Populations easily go extinct when there is little variety in
the gene pool. Higher variety allows for more gene combinations resulting
in a wider range of characteristics (affecting intellect and ability to
learn, physical prowess and agility, genetic diseases and conditions and
lack thereof, personality, hardiness/frailty, and more). More
characteristics allow for a species to be more adaptable over the long run
in the face of environmental hardships.
Despite sexual preferences and issues of attraction, you can
still only reproduce another human being by combining a sperm and an egg.
Despite other major medical advances, any woman over the age
of 40 is still at high-risk of giving birth to a child with serious medical
Thinking long-term is all well and good, but once you land,
your immediate survival as a team is at stake. Without a proper settlement,
your team will be under almost impossible levels of stress which will affect
your morale and your health, and therefore, your ability to survive. Also
(going back to thinking long-term), species under high stress have low
reproduction levels.
The unsettled, uncivilized environment of Zycron will be
hazardous, and the process of building a settlement will entail high risks
for all involved, particularly when it comes to the physical labor.
Accidents during building are likely.
Although each team member has an area of expertise,
adaptability and ability to learn are a must. Also, highly-skilled people
are likely to be able to train others. |