Humanities/AcaDeca Survivor Game
The Mission |
The Roles |
Scenario #1 | Scenario #2 |
Scenario #3
Scenario #2:
Building a brave new world…
While the ship is being equipped with the additional
technology you chose during the last scenario, you now need to turn your
attention to what you’ll need after landing on Zycron. The ship will
contain supplies for the voyage to Zycron, but you will need to choose
supplies and equipment to take with you for your settlement on the new
planet. There is a weight limit in terms of what can be brought onto the
ship. You may choose from the lists below, but your total list may not
exceed 30 tons (60,000 pounds).
*Note: Where different supply amounts are given, you
can choose one supply amount or both/all depending on the needs of your
Make your decisions as a WHOLE team. You will be
asked to justify your choices, so take notes, add up your choices, and be
ready to present (consider your roles about who should do this). |
Food & Drink |
Building Materials |
Drinking Water
750 gal. = 1
mo. supply: 6,250 lbs.
1500 gal. = 2
mo. supply: 12,5000 lbs. |
Lumber and Steel primarily for shelter—important
since there are no pre-existing houses on Zycron; leftover wood can be used
for water transport
Material for 1
large & 1 small building: 18,000 lbs.
Material for 3
large buildings:
32,000 lbs. |
Protein-Based Foods including preserved meat and
poultry, soy products, dried beans, and nuts (serving for an average adult
is 4-6 oz. per day)
3 month
supply: 500 lbs.
6 month
supply: 1000 lbs. |
Basic Tools for construction efforts including
hammers, hand drills, chisels, saws, axes, basic machines (e.g. pulleys
which are useful for lifting), and the like
1750 lbs. |
Canned Vegetables and Fruits which are vital
sources of vitamins and fiber to protect your team’s health (serving to
maintain an average adult’s health is 1 cup fruit and 1.5 cups vegetables
per day)
3 month
supply: 1350 lbs.
6 month
supply: 2700 lbs. |
Piping, Tubing, and Wiring to run plumbing,
electricity, take care of sewage concerns, etc.
Material for 1
large & 1 small building: 5000 lbs.
Material for 3
large buildings:
10,000 lbs. |
Grains like cereals and crackers, and milled
grains for making breads are also an important part of the human diet
(serving for an average adult is 6 oz. per day)
3 month
supply: 300 lbs.
6 month
supply: 600 lbs. |
Hardware to build and maintain structures and
Kit: 500 lbs.
Small Housing
and Equipment Kit: 2500 lbs.
Large Housing
and Equipment Kit: 5000 lbs. |
Powdered Milk is essential for calcium (one
packet will make a ½ gal. when mixed with water, enough for 4 people’s daily
3 month
supply: 180 lbs.
6 month
supply: 360 lbs. |
Tarps, Roofing, and Ropes to weather-proof
buildings you make, make sails, secure items for transport, and use with
basic tools
2350 lbs. |
Vitamins and Energy Supplements for in times of
short food supply; these items will help to maintain your team’s health even
when they aren’t getting enough to eat
3 month
supply: 575 lbs.
6 month
supply: 1150 lbs. |
Technology |
Medical & Other |
Ground Transport Kit including 3 light-weight
frames and wheel sets to make basic, motorized vehicles for human travel
4000 lbs. |
Basic Medical Supplies for first aid, births
with no complications, minor diseases and minor emergency conditions; this
also includes pain killers and insulin shots
One year
supply: 2000 lbs.
Two year
supply: 4000 lbs. |
Ready-Made Ground Transport includes two
fully-assembled, middle-weight vehicles useful for transporting people and
8000 lbs. |
Advanced Medical Supplies for major injuries and
surgery; these supplies include a mobile triage unit with intensive care
10,000 lbs. |
Generators and Fuel to hook up to heating,
cooling, cooking, and electrical systems; 20 gallons of fuel allow the
generators to run for approximately 48 hours
2 generators
w/ 120 gal. fuel:
1300 lbs.
3 generators
w/ 200 gal. fuel:
2050 lbs. |
Warm weather
clothes, one year
1700 lbs.
Cold weather
clothes, one year supply: 2400 lbs.
Footwear and
protective gear (e.g., helmets), two year supply: 1700 lbs. |
Batteries for all small mechanized devices,
lights, and general power uses
1 month
supply: 750 lbs.
3 month
supply: 2250 lbs. |
Farming Supplies include seeds for planting your
own crops and tools for tilling soil, fertilizing crops, and harvesting
Two growing
seasons: 700 lbs.
Four growing
seasons: 1400 lbs. |
Mechanized Excavation Equipment to clear areas
for building, provide more secure foundations for your buildings, and to
allow you to being building an infrastructure (e.g., roads)
11,000 lbs. |
Baby Supplies including formula, clothing and
blankets, diapers (non-disposable), bottles, carrying slings, and the like
1500 lbs. |
Weaponry including hand guns, rifles, shotguns,
knives, cross-bows, machetes, axes, and spears
1500 lbs. |
Basic Dwelling Supplies including cookware,
sleeping bags, portable furniture (e.g., chairs), and more
Supplies: 1250 lbs.
Basic with
tents: 2000 lbs.
Basic w/ tents
and cots: 2350 lbs. |
Toiletries for hygiene and personal grooming in
natural water sources
Two year
supply: 800 lbs.
Four year
supply: 1600 lbs. |