Homework assignments are bolded on the
day they are due. |
Click on links in the calendar to access
available on-line copies of texts and assignments. |
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Half day, meeting schedule |
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No school |
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End of Quarter/Semester, no school for
students |
January 2005
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
Handmaid's |
Handmaid's |
Handmaid's |
Handmaid's |
Handmaid's |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
Dionne Brand |
Dionne Brand |
Dionne Brand |
Dionne Brand |
Dionne Brand |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
MLK Jr. Day |
WL 2 Paper,
draft 1, due at your scheduled conference with Ms. Spachman.
Class: In-class thesis generation on "Linkage" by
Nikki Giovanni.
Homework: Prepare "Blues Spiritual for Mammy
Prater" by Brand: minimum of 3 color-marked patterns, 1 additional
technique, and 1 theme. Work on final drafts of WL2 Paper and clean
copies of WL1; both are due by Jan. 27, in class. STUDY
LITERARY TERMS. There will be a quiz on Friday. |
Have prepared "Blues Spiritual for Mammy
Prater" by Dionne Brand for class today.
Handmaid's & Plath thesis
statements due by 10 pm tonight.
WL 2 Paper,
draft 1, due at your scheduled conference with Ms. Spachman.
Class: In-class thesis generation on "Linkage" by
Nikki Giovanni.
Homework: Review all Brand poems. Work on
final drafts of WL2 Paper and clean copies of WL1; both are due by Jan. 27,
in class. STUDY LITERARY TERMS. There will be jeopardy
in-class on Friday. |
WL 2 Paper,
draft 1, due at your scheduled conference with Ms. Spachman.
Class: Final day of discussion on Dionne Brand.
Homework: Review possible final exam
passages/poems. Work on final drafts of WL2 Paper and clean copies of
WL1; both are due by Jan. 27, in class. STUDY new LITERARY
TERMS. There will be jeopardy in-class TOMORROW.
Handmaid's & Plath thesis critiques due by 10 pm
Tuesday, 1/25. |
WL 2 Paper,
draft 1, due at your scheduled conference with Ms. Spachman.
Class: Jeopardy on the second set of literary terms.
Homework: Review possible final exam
passages/poems. Work on final drafts of WL2 Paper and clean copies of
WL1; both are due by Jan. 27, in class. STUDY ALL
LITERARY TERMS for your final and the next AP-IB duel.
Handmaid's & Plath thesis critiques due by 10 pm Tuesday, 1/25. |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
Homework: Final drafts of WL2 Paper
and clean copies of WL1; both are due by Jan. 27, in class.
STUDY ALL LITERARY TERMS for the AP-IB duel tomorrow.
Handmaid's & Plath thesis critiques due by 10 pm Tuesday, 1/25. |
Handmaid's & Plath thesis critiques due by 10 pm.
Homework: Final drafts of WL2 Paper
and clean copies of WL1; both are due by Jan. 27, in class. |
Class: Ad hoc day. Discussion of
final exams, where we're headed in the new semester, WL paper business, etc.
Homework: Final drafts of WL2 Paper
and clean copies of WL1; both are due in class tomorrow.
WL 2 Paper, draft 2, due in class with a clean, properly
formatted copy of your WL 1.
Class: Hamlet begins.
Students (after finishing the forms for their WL papers) will receive 1-2
snippets of text from Hamlet; then
Figurative Tea Party.
Homework: Spend some more quality
time with your tea party lines. Read Hamlet 1.1-1.2 by Tuesday.
--Teacher Institute Day--
End of Semester 1 |
31 |
Class: Students will continue to work
on their "tea party" quotes and use their
"Getting to Know Shakespeare"
guides. Half-way through class, students will workshop their
performances of their lines in front of the class as a whole and take
direction from their peers and teacher.
Read Hamlet 1.1-1.2 by Tuesday.
February 2005
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Students should have finished reading
1.1-1.2 of Hamlet for class today.
Class: Students will block out and
perform 1.1:138-161. If time allows, students will discuss their
reading of Hamlet thus far and/or begin marking 1.2:1-38, King
Claudius' speech.
Finish marking 1.2:1-38.
Read the rest of Hamlet Act 1 by Thursday. |
Students should have finished marking
King Claudius' speech for class today.
Class: Students will share and discuss
their markings on 1.2:1-38. Then students will view two versions of
this moment, one from Mel Gibson's film and one from Kenneth Branagh's film.
Students will discuss the different choices made in presenting the scene and
the significance of these choices.
Read the rest of Hamlet Act 1 by Thursday. |
Students should have finished reading
Act 1 of Hamlet for class today.
Class: Continued discussion from
Wednesday and discussion of Act 1 as a whole.
Read Hamlet Act 2 by Tuesday. |
Class: Continued discussion of Act 1,
Claudius' speech, and marking meter.
Mark 1.2:133-163, Hamlet's
first soliloquy. Read Act 2 by Tuesday.. |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
Class: Setting the Stage; viewing of
part of 1.5 from Branagh's and Gibson's films.
Read over the "Setting the Stage" assignment.
Read Act 2 by Tuesday. |
Students should have finished marking
Hamlet's 1st soliloquy for class today.
Class: Discussion of the "Setting the Stage"
assignment. Brief discussion of Acts 1 and 2. Close reading
discussion of Hamlet's first soliloquy.
Homework: Re-read 2.2:458-547 and pay attention
to the notes. Read Act 3 for Friday. Work on
"Setting the Stage," due Fri.,
2/18. |
Students should have re-read 2.2:458-547 for class today.
Class: Continued discussion of Hamlet's first
soliloquy. Close reading discussion of the First Player's speech (as
requested by Hamlet).
Homework: Mark 2.2: 576-634, Hamlet's second
soliloquy. Read Act 3 for Friday. Work on
"Setting the Stage," due Fri.,
2/18. Generate and post a thesis for the
Handmaid's/Plath/ Brand paper;
thesis must be posted by 7 pm, 2/14. |
Students should have finished marking
Hamlet's 2nd soliloquy for class today.
Class: Discussion of Hamlet's second
Homework: Finish reading Act 3. Work on "Setting
the Stage," due Fri., 2/18. Generate and post a thesis for the
Handmaid's/Plath/ Brand paper;
thesis must be posted by 7 pm, 2/14. |
Students should have finished reading
Act 3 for class today.
Class: Students will generate a theme list and
refine it through discussion.
Homework: Read Act 4 for Tuesday. Work on
"Setting the Stage," due Fri.,
2/18. Generate and post a thesis for the
Handmaid's/Plath/ Brand paper;
thesis must be posted by 7 pm, 2/14. |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
Handmaid's/Plath/Brand thesis
statement due on the Collaboratory by 7 pm today.
Class: Theme discussion continued.
Homework: Read Act 4 for Tuesday. Work on
"Setting the Stage," due Fri.,
2/18. Peer critique a thesis for the
Handmaid's/Plath/ Brand paper;
critique must be posted by 7 pm, 2/16.
Students should have read Act 4 by
Class: Discussion of Act 3 in brief (Per. 1).
Theme discussion continued (Per. 6).
New due date for Setting the Stage:
Homework: Read Act 5 for Friday. Mark Hamlet's
3rd soliloquy. Work on
"Setting the Stage," due Fri.,
2/25. Peer critique a thesis for the
Handmaid's/Plath/ Brand paper;
critique must be posted by 7 pm, 2/16.
Handmaid's/Plath/Brand thesis
critique due on the Collaboratory by 7 pm today.
Class: Discussion of Hamlet's 3rd soliloquy and "The
Homework: Read Act 5 by Friday.
Handmaid's/ Plath/ Brand paper
proposal must be approved by 4 pm, 2/23. Work on
"Setting the Stage," due Fri.,
1st Period Class: Defend/ refute argument building.
6th Period Class: Act 3 discussion.
Homework: Read Act 5 by Friday.
Handmaid's/ Plath/ Brand paper
proposal must be approved by 4 pm, 2/23. Work on
"Setting the Stage," due Fri.,
Students should have read Act 5 by
1st Period Class: Defend/ refute discussion.
6th Period Class: Acting out of 3.4. Viewing
begins of Gibson's and Branagh's Hamlets.
Handmaid's/ Plath/ Brand paper
proposal must be approved by 4 pm, 2/23. Work on
"Setting the Stage," due Fri.,
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
Presidents' Day
1st Period Class: Defend/ refute
6th Period Class: Viewing and
discussion of Gibson's and Branagh's Hamlets.
Homework: Work on
"Setting the Stage," due Fri.,
Handmaid's/Plath/Brand paper
proposals must be approved by 4 pm today.
Class: Students will listen to and
discuss a sample oral commentary.
Homework: Read Act 4 for Tuesday. Work on
"Setting the Stage," due Fri.,
Class: Discussion of Hamlet's 4.4
soliloquy and Act 4 in general, esp. the Fortinbras storyline.
Homework: Work on
"Setting the Stage," due Fri.,
Handmaid's/ Plath/ Brand paper
draft 1 must be turned in by 4 pm, 3/2.
Setting the Stage assignment due today.
Class: Continued discussion of Act 4 and Hamle'ts
Act 4 soliloquy.
Handmaid's/ Plath/ Brand paper
draft 1 must be turned in by 4 pm, 3/2. Read Death of
a Salesman by Friday, 3/4.
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