Assignment #14
DIRECTIONS: Get into small groups. Read each question
below aloud in the group and then discuss. The group recorder should write down
3-4 sentences or more as the group discusses the answers to the questions.
- List some common stereotypes for the following racial
groups: Caucasians, African-Americans, Hispanics, Asian-Americans, and Native
- How has racism affected your home communities? Please
list examples (stories are good) of racism at work.
- How do you think racism affects students at Curie High
School? Have you seen examples of racism or segregation (forced or
voluntary)? Are you worried that racism might affect your school experience?
- How does someone become a racist? Be very specific.
Think of people you might know who are racists to help answer this question.
Talk about their beliefs and how they got them.
- Would you feel comfortable being involved in an
interracial relationship? (Get a range of answers from the group—not everyone
has to agree!) Give examples of successful or non-successful interracial
relationships you have seen. Why or why didn’t they work?
- Rank the following racial groups in order of how much
power they have in the United States. Explain your ranking.
Asian-American, Caucasian, Hispanic, Native American