Due: Monday, January 3, 2005
Pick an event from chapters 11 or 12 of The Odyssey.
Determine which character involved in the event you will write your
postcard FROM.
Determine which person your character will send the postcard TO.
(This person does not have to be a character in the book, but it should be
someone from mythology or related to the mythology ; in short, your choice
should make sense.)
Work on writing a brief summary (3-5 sentences only) of the event
from your character’s POV. Work to capture the WAY your character would
write about the event to the person s/he’s writing to. (TONE = speaker’s
Determine what other information your character would share with
his/her chosen audience. Again, determine HOW your character would say what
s/he is saying. (TONE = speaker’s attitude)
Take what you’ve done with steps 4-5 and refine your writing into
what your postcard will actually say. Write or type that on the
postcard copy attached. It MUST fit on that
sheet! (A few copies of this part of the postcard have been attached so
you can do drafts; your FINAL draft should be NEAT and CLEAN.)
Finally, determine what kind of picture would be on the other side of
the postcard. Keep in mind that postcards typically use landscape pictures,
pictures of important objects/landmarks, portraits of people, or sometimes a
piece of art that is representative of a place or event. Postcards are not
“action shots.” Be careful to consider: What sort of picture would your
character choose for his/her postcard? Use a full sheet of 8.5” x 11”
paper to create your picture. Your picture can be:
hand-drawn AND colored
a collage
a painting
a carefully chosen picture (in color) from your computer or
the Internet (keep in mind that you need to make this picture fit the
postcard; if you cannot enlarge your picture without a lot of
distortion/fuzziness, you’ll have to pick something else)
When you turn in your work you must turn in:
The final NEAT and CLEAN written postcard (typing = extra credit)
Your picture for the other side of your postcard (separate from the
written part) on a full-sized (8.5” x 11”) sheet of paper
A sheet of paper that details:
the event you picked,
the character you’re writing the postcard from,
the character the postcard was written to,
an explanation of why you picked that event, that character as the
writer, and the other character as the recipient of the postcard, AND
a brief explanation of your picture: Why is that the picture you
created? Why would your character have chosen that for his/her postcard?