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  Postcard #6  




  My dear son,

I fear for your life.  This journey you have set your heart on troubles me.  How can you ask me to face the possibility of losing you to the seas, just as I lost your father?

Not only do your risk yourself in this journey, but I have received word that the suitors led by Antinous plot against your life.  While in a dream I’ve been visited by spirits who tell me all will be well, I cannot abandon my motherly worry, for you are in grave danger.

Please heed my warning, and come back to me.  You are all I have left.

                 Your heart-broken mother


  TO:  Telemachus

  C/O:  Ms. Spachman's 3rd & 4th

  Period Survey Lit. Classes

  Room 262

  Curie Metro High School

  4959 S. Archer Ave.

  Chicago, IL 60632