Arguments for [Proposition 187]: Mainly
backed and funded by Republican interests, the primary proponent is
Assemblyman Dick Mountjoy (R Monrovia). The measure was written by Alan
Nelson, a former federal immigration commissioner under President Ronald
Reagan, and Harold Ezell, western region commissioner of INS during same
period. They claim Proposition 187 will end the "illegal alien
invasion" and ultimately "save our state." Because welfare, medical and
educational benefits are the "magnets" that draw illegal immigrants to the
state, proponents claim, access to such services should be cut off. They
also claim that opposition to the measure is funded by special interests
which reap the benefits of providing services to illegal immigrants, such as
public unions and medical clinics. Proponents state that government has been
derelict in controlling the borders, so it falls upon the state to "send a
strong message that California will no longer tolerate the dereliction of
the duty by our politicians." |