Jim Crow
DIRECTIONS: Below are several sub-topics you will need to research on this issue. Each sub-topic has questions you need to answer, and all the sites on the "Resources" page have the information you need in order to answer the questions. However:
You do NOT have to write in complete sentences (yet), but make sure what you write down is clearly said. |
(unless the question specifically asks for quoted material--meaning something you are writing down word for word from a web page) |
I highly recommend that you split up the sub-topics among your group members (divide and conquer!). SHARE the information you find with your group members because everyone needs to write down the information. If there are still things you are missing after everyone does their share, work together to find that missing information.
HOW TO TAKE NOTES: Write down your information according to the sub-topic you research (i.e., Write all the information you find on "The Origins of Jim Crow" down in one section. IF YOU WANT, you can copy down the questions as well, but that is not necessary as long as you make sure to gather all the information the questions ask for.
Sub-Topics and Questions
The Origins of Jim Crow
Who or what was Jim Crow? Give a brief history about where "Jim Crow" came from.
Why did "Jim Crow" become associated with segregation?
The Impact of Jim Crow
What exactly are Jim Crow laws? Which states used these laws and why? How did these laws affect the Black community?
Give a few examples of the kinds of Jim Crow laws that were in effect in the 1950's.
Fighting Jim Crow
What did people do during the civil rights movement to fight Jim Crow? Give several examples and discuss how successful these people were in fighting Jim Crow.