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Warriors Don’t Cry Reading Assignments 3 and 4 COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENTS BELOW BY FRIDAY, OCT. 31. On Friday, Oct. 31, we will be having a reading quiz in class. The quiz will be quotes said by people in the book from the chapters you should have read for Assignment 3. Your job will be to set those quotes in context. You will need to explain who said the quote and to whom, what it was said about, where the character was when s/he said it, when it happens in the story, and why it’s significant to the story.
ASSIGNMENT #3—Complete by Friday, 10/31. Read the Chapters 5-9 (pages 47-106). As you read, pay attention to the characters and the significant things that happen. Pay attention to historical figures and events. Keep in mind that Melba is the narrator of this story.
ASSIGNMENT #4—Complete by Friday, 10/31. This WILL be collected.
Interview Permission Slip |
I have asked ________________________________________________________, |
(print name of the person you’ll be interviewing) |
__________________________, if I may interview them about their recollections and |
(relationship) |
experiences of living through the Civil Rights era in the United States. |
Student/Interviewer: ____________________________ |
I have agreed to be interviewed by the student named above: _______________________ |