Mæiænæi-Aærægæuæmæeænætæs oæn  Mæoæoæd




Excellent Example of a Mini-Argument on "Not Waving but Drowning"





     The mood of the poem "Not Waving but Drowning" is very painful.  In the poem, there are three speakers: the narrator, "they," and the dead man.  Each has a thought but all seem to contradict, and while all speaking of the dead man, it is painful to him because he is misunderstood.  "They" say "it must have been too cold for his heart gave way" and also they comment on how "he always loved larking."  This shows "they" felt pity and in my opinion, pity is painful to receive.  It says the dead man was "always larking" which means for a very long time he seemed quite happy.  The dead man responds, however, with "Oh no, no, no it was too cold always."  This means he was not always happy, it was always cold, and that was what made his heart give way.  This makes me sympathize with the dead man because it seems he was in pain the whole time.  Finally, in the beginning and end it says he "Was not waving but drowning."  This appears painful because all along while asking for help he was "drowning" and he says, "I was much further out than you thought" which shows that no one bothered to reach out to him in his pain. 
