Summer Assignments 2004
(just in case you lose something…)
My website is:
Once on the main page of my site, click “IB Summer Work.”
- These handouts, your Collaboratory username and
password, your mentees’ names and usernames
- The Pelican Shakespeare copy of The Taming of the
Shrew and scene copies provided to you
- The IB Summer Poetry Packet
- Lots of different highlighters, colored pencils, and
colored pens
- A computer with Internet access (local Chicago
Public libraries have Internet-access computers)
- A Hero of Our Time
You have four different kinds of assignments this
- Presenting on and responding to poems from the IB
Summer Poetry Packet.* (begins p. 2)
- Mentoring juniors during their summer study of
Palace Walk.* (begins p. 4)
- Reading The Taming of the Shrew. (begins
p. 6)
- Preparing for your World Literature 2 paper using
A Hero of Our Time. (begins p. 9)
*Assignments must be posted on-line via the
IB Literature Discussion Board at the Collaboratory Project:
(some handouts in this packet have
already been given to you)
Presenting on and
responding to poems from the IB Summer Poetry Packet.
IB Poetry Packet On-Line
Assignments—Summer 2004
There will be a multitude of poems in the poetry
packet, and this packet will be for both juniors and seniors. Within the
packet, there will be two groups of poems: one set of Shakespearean sonnets
and the other set of contemporary free verse poems.
The juniors and seniors will be divided into small
groups. Each group will be assigned one poem from the packet. Junior
groups will be initially responsible for the
sonnets; senior groups will be initially
responsible for the free verse poems. Each group will develop a
“presentation” on the poem they’ve been assigned. After these
“presentations” have been posted on-line through the Collaboratory, everyone
will be required to post responses to any of the poems from the packet.
On-Line Group “Presentation” Project—Due by July 31,
- First of all, you must meet with your other group
members. You can do this in person, over the phone, or on-line. Once
your group is determined, meet with those people and exchange contact
information to make plans.
- On your own, read the poem many, many, many, many,
many times and look up words you don’t know! (Seniors: Try that color
marking thing!)
- Then, as a group, develop an interpretation
of the poem you’ve been assigned. Your interpretation should not be a
summary of the poem; rather your interpretation should make a
statement about theme and a judgment of that theme. To defend your
interpretation, you should touch on some/most of the following:
patterns you find in the poem and how they connect to each
imagery (and how the imagery affects your emotions (mood))
word choices
tone and mood and how they are developed
structure (where line breaks happen, where shifts happen, how
the words lay out on the page, how words are ordered)
how the poem begins and ends
who the speaker of the poem is and who the speaker is speaking
to (and why)
symbols that might be in the poem
- Type up a 3+ paragraph explanation of your
interpretation and post it on the IB Literature Discussion Board. The
poem will appear on the Collaboratory in the discussion board. Click on
the title and post your “presentation” as a reply to the poem.
(Directions for this appear on back.) When you post your presentation,
include the first name and last initial of all the presenters in the
Your group presentation must be posted by July 31,
2004. This doesn’t mean you should sit down at 11 pm on July 31 to do
this because if it goes wrong or doesn’t work and you start crying, oh
well. Post BEFORE July 31 if at all possible.
On-Line Poetry Presentation
Groups—Seniors, Summer 2004
Dawn Mielnicki
Stephanie Viktora |
“Halley’s Comet” by Stanley Kunitz |
Giancarlo Hernandez
Geraldo Hernandez
Luis Hernandez |
“On the Pulse of Morning” by Maya Angelou |
Maria Gomez
Gloria Diaz |
“First Indian on the Moon” by Sherman Alexie |
Dan Palumbo
Carlos Jiminez
Candice Martens |
“Occupational Hazzards” by Sherman Alexie |
Archangel Centeno
Alex Lozano |
“Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird” by
Wallace Stevens |
Maggie Bednarz
Jessica Ochoa
Erica Cybulski |
“The Daffodil” by Jorie Graham |
Diana Silva
Sandra Rodela
Linda Perales |
“The Woman Hanging from the 13th Floor
Window” by Joy Harjo |
Alisha Wallace
Leticia Hernandez
Angelica Ramirez |
“Storybooks on a Kitchen Table” by Audre Lorde |
Brittany Britten
Mayra Gomez
Alicia Hill |
“Ending Poem” by Rosario Morales and Aurora
Levins Morales |
Quentin Lawphu
Dan Taylor |
“Bats” by Mary Oliver |
Rosa Mejia
Jessica Zapata |
“The Yellow Star that Goes with Me” by Jessica
Greenbaum |
INDIVIDUAL On-Line Poetry Responses—Due by August
31, 2004
- First of all for this: Read all the poems in
your packet (not just the one you have to do for your presentation). Find
a few to fall in love with (or fall in hate with) and grapple with them.
Look up words you don’t know. Tell them to your dog. Rail about them
over the phone to your friends. Sleep with them under your pillow. Color
them with highlighters. And so on.
- Then AFTER JULY 31 AND BEFORE AUGUST 31, go on-line
and see what the presentation groups have had to say about the poems you
are most intrigued by. ANY POEM IS FAIR GAME (sonnets OR free verse; it
doesn’t matter what year you are).
6 DIFFERENT POEMS, and SENIORS, you must reply 3 or more times to 2 of
these 6 poems. If, for some reason, no one has posted a presentation
to a poem, you may start the conversation about it. Ideally, you
will respond more than once to the poems you’re most interested in and
create a conversation about those poems with your peers. If you so
desire, one of these poems can be the poem you presented on; however, your
presentation doesn’t count as 1 of your 6 responses.
[To say this in another
Juniors must respond a minimum of 6 times total, one response
each to 6 different poems.
Seniors must respond a minimum of 10 times total, one response
each to 4 different poems, and 4 responses each to 2 different poems. (You
want to do more? Can we say “extra credit”?)]
You must post your responses by August 31, 2004.
dates for other assignments (like those you’ll be doing for Palace Walk,
for instance) as times to work on posting your responses so that you are not
sitting down to do all your responses at the 11th hour.
Mentoring juniors during
their summer study of Palace Walk.* (begins p. 4)
Mentoring for Palace Walk
MENTEES (juniors)
You will be completing a reading and analysis journal
for Mr. McGinn on Palace Walk this summer. As part of that work, you
are expected to type up and post three (3) of your journal entries on-line
to the Collaboratory for your mentors to respond to.
- In a word processing program, type the extract from
the text you’re responding to, including the page numbers that extract is
from, and your response. Save this (just in case).
- Post this work to the Collaboratory through the IB
Literature Discussion Board. To post this work, you will need to create a
topic on the discussion board. When you do this, PUT YOUR NAME IN
THE TOPIC so your mentor can easily find your posting. Cut and paste what
you typed in Microsoft Word into the message to post. Then click POST.
- Wait about a week before checking back to see your
mentors’ responses. Reply back as it suits you.
another mentor will have the opportunity to help you out (and if push
comes to shove, Ms. Spachman or Mr. McGinn will respond).
- 1st journal posting is due by
July 15.
- 2nd journal posting is due by
July 31.
- 3rd journal posting is due by
August 15.
Do not
wait until the last minute to post. You can/should post your journals
before the due date.
Mentoring for Palace Walk
MENTORS (seniors)*
You will be helping the new juniors delve into the
world of literary analysis with their reading of Palace Walk. While
the new juniors have some experience with literary analysis, they have much
to learn and sometimes hearing it from another student who knows it works
better than a teacher yabbering teacher lingo.
- Your mentees will be posting 3 of their journals
from Palace Walk during the course of the summer (see their due
dates on the other side). These will be posted on-line at the
Collaboratory through the IB Literature Discussion Board. During the week
after each posting, your job is to go on-line, read your mentees’
journals, and respond to them. Check discussion board topics or
originators for which postings were put up by your mentees.
- Reply to each of your mentee’s journals via the
discussion board. Offer constructive advice about how to improve their
analysis. Respond to their ideas as a fellow reader. Ask them questions
about their ideas. Etc. Most juniors have been assigned 2 mentors;
both mentors should respond.
- If your mentee writes back, it would be to your
advantage (extra credit) to continue the conversation.
- If one (or more) of your mentees does not
post by their due dates, pick one (or two, or three depending on how many
you need) of the mentees off the following list. These students were only
assigned one mentor. Respond to their journal so you won’t miss your
due date.
Babiarz, Jane (j_babiarz)
Camargo, Aurora (a_camargo)
Gonzalez, Perla (p_gonzalez)
Hernandez, Tanya (t_hernandez)
Hindi, Enal (e_hindi)
Lopez, Mayra (m_lopez)
Mendoza, Celina (c_mendoza)
Tapia, Nancy (n_tapia)
Zawadski, Kamil (k_zawadski)
- #1: Check for your mentees’ 1st
journal between July 15-20. RESPOND no later than July 21.
- #2: Check for your mentees’ 2nd
journal between July 31-August 6. RESPOND no later than August 7.
- #3: Check for your mentees’ 3rd
journal between August 15-20. RESPOND no later than August 21.
Do not
wait until the last minute to reply to your mentees. You can/should reply
before the due date.
The day after the mentor due dates, McGinn or Spachman
will post on the Collaboratory a list of mentees who need additional mentor
help. These students are available for you to pick up as extra credit. You
may pick up to 2 different students to give mentoring comments to (for the
most recent journal posting). This is available on a first come basis and
you must get the OK from Ms. Spachman. Email: or call 773-456-3318.
* If you were assigned 3 students to
mentor, then this is how it works: When it’s time for you to respond to
your rmentees, you can pick just two of them to respond to. (If you want,
please respond to all three.) However, if you were assigned one of
the mentees listed above under #4, you MUST make that student one of the
students you respond to. This applies to: Jessica Z., Giancarlo, Erica,
Luis, Daniel T., and Candice.
Reading The Taming of
the Shrew.
(please note this means the actual first day
of class in September)
- Pre-reading/Anticipation guide & discussion,
in-class on June 17. (You will turn
this in after summer.)
- Questions and notice lists (to be done as you work
through your reading).
- Color-marking 2 scenes (copies of these are in this
packet; if you lose them, you’ll have to make your own copies)
- Pick-your-favorite-foil assignment.
- Extra credit on-line discussion of the play through
the Collaboratory starting June 17 and ending September 6.
Assignment #1: Pre-Reading/Anticipation
Save to
turn in with other assignments on the first day of class!
Read the statements listed below. Certain statements
ask you to complete them with your opinion. Other statements merely ask you
to agree or disagree with them. After indicating your opinion, take a few
moments to jot down some of the reasons behind your opinion for each
- Every good marriage should be founded on
- Most men really want (deep down) a little woman
who conforms to their needs.
- Most women (deep down) really just want to be
taken care of.
- A woman who doesn’t make her own choices is a
- Manipulating someone is always an evil endeavor.
- Any kind of attention is better than no attention
at all.
Assignment #2: Questions and “Notice”
After spending two years with Mr. McGinn and keeping
extensive journals during your reading of various texts, you should be
extremely comfortable interacting with what you’re reading, both in terms of
questioning it, especially when you are confused or puzzled, and in noticing
the author’s techniques. Therefore, I want you to write up two lists as you
- One should be an on-going question list where
you write down the questions you have as you are reading the play. Even
if you end up answering yourself, leave the question on the list (just
mark it with an “A” or something to show you think you’ve figured it
out). Given the quirks of this play, you should probably have a page-full
of questions.
- Your “notice” list should be a list of
specific techniques or details that you notice while reading. As always,
pay attention to beginnings, endings, character function, setting,
structure, imagery, point of view (since this is a play, consider this as
“character perspective;” most of this will fall into discussion of
“character function”), and symbolism. Write out the things you notice in
complete sentences. If you desire, you may want to write out
mini-paragraphs on a few.
Assignment #3: Color-Marking
Enclosed in this packet of goodies are copies of two
excerpts from Taming. One is from Act 4; the other from Act 5. Your
job for this assignment is to color-mark each of these excerpts. You must
mark a minimum of 5 specific patterns in each excerpt, make a key in the
margins with specific labels, and then make an argument about which pattern
is the most important pattern within the passage. This argument (about ½
page each) should be written or typed on a separate sheet of paper and then
stapled to the corresponding scene.
Assignment #4: Pick-your-favorite-foil!
One definition of a “foil” is:
A thin layer of polished metal placed under a
displayed gem to lend it brilliance. It is, in fact, this definition that
applies to “foils” in literature. In literature, a “foil” is a minor
character (or minor characters) who is very similar to a main character, but
differs in important ways in order to show off the traits and function of
the main character. For example, in King Lear, Lear’s family
troubles with his daughters is enhanced by the sub-plot of Gloucester’s
family troubles with his sons; the minor character family of Gloucester and
company foil Lear’s family. Within this, it can be argued that Edgar foils
Cordelia; it can also be argued that Edmund foils Regan and Goneril.
The Taming of the Shrew
uses foils as well. Here are some to consider once you’ve completed your
reading of the play.
- Lucentio foiling Petruchio
- Hortensio foiling Petruchio
- Bianca foiling Kate
- Sly/Lord foiling Kate/Petruchio*
- Bianca/Lucentio foiling Kate/Petruchio*
- Widow/Hortensio foiling Kate/Petruchio*
*For these, focus on the relationship aspect… i.e., How
does the relationship between Sly and the Lord compare to the relationship
between Kate and Petruchio?
The assignment: Pick ONE of the foil pairs above and
write a discussion of how the foils work in the play. Push yourself to talk
about function. What is it that the foil characters (the minor
characters) do for Shakespeare in this play? Write about a page.
Extra Credit: On-Line Discussion
Use the IB Literature Discussion Board to respond to
questions and other topics proposed by Ms. Spachman about The Taming of
the Shrew starting today (if you wish). Just look for “TAMING” in the
topic. If you have a topic you’d like to post, go ahead and post it or
email it to Ms. Spachman and she will post it.
Discussing the play on-line will earn you extra
credit. How much extra credit depends upon the quality of your ideas and
questions you choose to post.
This option is available from June 17 until September
Preparing for your World
Literature 2 paper using A Hero of Our Time.
Since you’re coming off your reading of A Hero of
Our Time, the book you’ll be writing your 2nd World
Literature paper on, you should start thinking this summer about key
passages in that novel. Make a list of about 6 key passages, where “key”
means that the passage is rich in techniques (not necessarily a major plot
moment). These passages should be no less than 30 lines long and no more
than 35 lines long. In your list, write down the page numbers where the
passage appears and the first and last sentences in the passage.
After selecting these 6 passages, narrow your interest
down to three of them. For these 3 passages, write a short but detailed
discussion about why you picked the passage as a key passage. (“Short but
detailed” = minimum of a good sized paragraph with specifics about the
passage and the book as a whole.)
(yes, you
read that correctly)
I’ve made this a “summer” assignment, however, because
#1 you just finished the book so it should be fresh in your head, and #2,
you may decide you’ve got more time now than what you’ll have when
you get back to school in the fall.
Accessing the Collaboratory and Some
Changing your password
- Go to
- Use the username and password you were given to log
- Once you’re logged in, FIRST click on the pink
“Profile” button at the top of the page.
- Change only your password to something you’ll
remember and no one else will figure out.
- Save your profile. If for some reason the
same page loads again, log out and log back in using your new
password. The button with an upside-down U is the “logout” button.
Feature: Messages
- Once you’re logged in, click on the orange-ish
“Messages” button at the top of the page.
- This takes you to internal email sent to you through
the Collaboratory. You can also send messages to people in the
Collaboratory. To do so, you have to search for their usernames. You can
type in a name, the organization (Curie), or both to do your search.
- To check a message, click on the message topic. And
so on from there.
Feature: Curie IB Literature Discussion Board
- Once you’re logged in, click on the orange-ish
“Messages” button at the top of the page.
- Then click on the link “forums” that now also
appears near the top of the page.
- Scroll down to find “Curie IB Literature Discussion
Board.” Click on that link.
- The new page will load a list of topics you can
respond to in the discussion board. Topics with the newest responses will
appear at the top. The “Originator” column tells you which person started
the topic. This will be especially important for mentors to notice when
they need to respond to a posting by one of their mentees.
- To view a topic, click on the topic.
- To reply to a topic, all you need to do is
click the “reply” link within the topic you want to respond to. Once
you’re done typing your response, click “DONE!” ONLY CLICK THIS ONCE.
- To post new a topic in the discussion board,
you will first need to check the little blue tabs near the upper right
corner of the page.
- If the tab on the right says “logout,” all
you have to do is click the blue tab that says “New Topic.” Type (or
paste) your new topic, then click “POST.”
- If the tab on the right says “login” AND you’re
using Internet Explorer…
You first need to go to the “Tools” menu and select “Internet
Options” in the drop-down menu. Then choose the “Privacy” tab. Move the
little scroll tab down until the window reads “Accept All Cookies.” Click
“OK.” (You can change this back after you’re done posting if you desire.)
Then click the blue “login” tab and use your Collaboratory username
and password to login. (If the tab already reads “logout,” go to the next
Click the blue tab that says ““New Topic.” Type (or paste) your new
topic, then click “POST.”
If all this doesn’t work, email with the problem and the text you would like to have
posted. Ms. Spachman will post the topic for you.
- If the tab on the right says “login” and you’re
NOT using Internet Explorer, email with the problem and the text you would like to
have posted. Ms. Spachman will post the topic for you.