Mentoring for Palace Walk
MENTEES (juniors)
You will be completing a reading and analysis journal
for Mr. McGinn on Palace Walk this summer. As part of that work, you
are expected to type up and post three (3) of your journal entries on-line
to the Collaboratory for your mentors to respond to.
- In a word processing program, type the extract from
the text you’re responding to, including the page numbers that extract is
from, and your response. Save this (just in case).
- Post this work to the Collaboratory through the IB
Literature Discussion Board. To post this work, you will need to create a
topic on the discussion board. When you do this, PUT YOUR NAME IN
THE TOPIC so your mentor can easily find your posting. Cut and paste what
you typed in Microsoft Word into the message to post. Then click POST.
- Wait about a week before checking back to see your
mentors’ responses. Reply back as it suits you.
another mentor will have the opportunity to help you out (and if push
comes to shove, Ms. Spachman or Mr. McGinn will respond).
- 1st journal posting is due by
July 15.
- 2nd journal posting is due by
July 31.
- 3rd journal posting is due by
August 15.
Do not
wait until the last minute to post. You can/should post your journals
before the due date.
Mentoring for Palace Walk
MENTORS (seniors)*
You will be helping the new juniors delve into the
world of literary analysis with their reading of Palace Walk. While
the new juniors have some experience with literary analysis, they have much
to learn and sometimes hearing it from another student who knows it works
better than a teacher yabbering teacher lingo.
- Your mentees will be posting 3 of their journals
from Palace Walk during the course of the summer (see their due
dates on the other side). These will be posted on-line at the
Collaboratory through the IB Literature Discussion Board. During the week
after each posting, your job is to go on-line, read your mentees’
journals, and respond to them. Check discussion board topics or
originators for which postings were put up by your mentees.
- Reply to each of your mentee’s journals via the
discussion board. Offer constructive advice about how to improve their
analysis. Respond to their ideas as a fellow reader. Ask them questions
about their ideas. Etc. Most juniors have been assigned 2 mentors;
both mentors should respond.
- If your mentee writes back, it would be to your
advantage (extra credit) to continue the conversation.
- If one (or more) of your mentees does not
post by their due dates, pick one (or two, or three depending on how many
you need) of the mentees off the following list. These students were only
assigned one mentor. Respond to their journal so you won’t miss your
due date.
Babiarz, Jane (j_babiarz)
Camargo, Aurora (a_camargo)
Gonzalez, Perla (p_gonzalez)
Hernandez, Tanya (t_hernandez)
Hindi, Enal (e_hindi)
Lopez, Mayra (m_lopez)
Mendoza, Celina (c_mendoza)
Tapia, Nancy (n_tapia)
Zawadski, Kamil (k_zawadski)
- #1: Check for your mentees’ 1st
journal between July 15-20. RESPOND no later than July 21.
- #2: Check for your mentees’ 2nd
journal between July 31-August 6. RESPOND no later than August 7.
- #3: Check for your mentees’ 3rd
journal between August 15-20. RESPOND no later than August 21.
Do not
wait until the last minute to reply to your mentees. You can/should reply
before the due date.
The day after the mentor due dates, McGinn or Spachman
will post on the Collaboratory a list of mentees who need additional mentor
help. These students are available for you to pick up as extra credit. You
may pick up to 2 different students to give mentoring comments to (for the
most recent journal posting). This is available on a first come basis and
you must get the OK from Ms. Spachman. Email: or call 773-456-3318.
* If you were assigned 3 students to mentor, then this
is how it works: When it’s time for you to respond to your rmentees, you
can pick just two of them to respond to. (If you want, please respond to
all three.) However, if you were assigned one of the mentees listed
above under #4, you MUST make that student one of the students you respond
to. This applies to: Jessica Z., Giancarlo, Erica, Luis, Daniel T., and