Accessing the Collaboratory and Some
Changing your password
- Go to
- Use the username and password you were given to log
- Once you’re logged in, FIRST click on the pink
“Profile” button at the top of the page.
- Change only your password to something you’ll
remember and no one else will figure out.
- Save your profile. If for some reason the
same page loads again, log out and log back in using your new
password. The button with an upside-down U is the “logout” button.
Feature: Messages
- Once you’re logged in, click on the orange-ish
“Messages” button at the top of the page.
- This takes you to internal email sent to you through
the Collaboratory. You can also send messages to people in the
Collaboratory. To do so, you have to search for their usernames. You can
type in a name, the organization (Curie), or both to do your search.
- To check a message, click on the message topic. And
so on from there.
Feature: Curie IB Literature Discussion Board
- Once you’re logged in, click on the orange-ish
“Messages” button at the top of the page.
- Then click on the link “forums” that now also
appears near the top of the page.
- Scroll down to find “Curie IB Literature Discussion
Board.” Click on that link.
- The new page will load a list of topics you can
respond to in the discussion board. Topics with the newest responses will
appear at the top. The “Originator” column tells you which person started
the topic. This will be especially important for mentors to notice when
they need to respond to a posting by one of their mentees.
- To view a topic, click on the topic.
- To reply to a topic, all you need to do is
click the “reply” link within the topic you want to respond to. Once
you’re done typing your response, click “DONE!” ONLY CLICK THIS ONCE.
- To post new a topic in the discussion board,
you will first need to check the little blue tabs near the upper right
corner of the page.
- If the tab on the right says “logout,” all
you have to do is click the blue tab that says “New Topic.” Type (or
paste) your new topic, then click “POST.”
- If the tab on the right says “login” AND you’re
using Internet Explorer…
You first need to go to the “Tools” menu and select “Internet
Options” in the drop-down menu. Then choose the “Privacy” tab. Move the
little scroll tab down until the window reads “Accept All Cookies.” Click
“OK.” (You can change this back after you’re done posting if you desire.)
Then click the blue “login” tab and use your Collaboratory username
and password to login. (If the tab already reads “logout,” go to the next
Click the blue tab that says ““New Topic.” Type (or paste) your new
topic, then click “POST.”
If all this doesn’t work, email with the problem and the text you would like to have
posted. Ms. Spachman will post the topic for you.
- If the tab on the right says “login” and you’re
NOT using Internet Explorer, email with the problem and the text you would like to
have posted. Ms. Spachman will post the topic for you.