Interpretive & Question-based Independent
Reading Endeavor |
Your Name
Sample Student
Title of Text
“Popular Mechanics” |
Chapter Name/Number
--none-- |
Page Number(s) of Chapter/Excerpt
(Entire story)
Summary of Chapter/Excerpt |
This story is called “Popular Mechanics.” It is
about two people, a man and a woman, who seem to be |
separating. The man is leaving the woman, and she
seems to be happy about it. However, both characters |
decide they want the baby in the story. A fight
begins verbally, but eventually gets physical until both |
the man and the woman are pulling on the baby and
hurting him. The story ends as both characters are |
pulling back hard while refusing to let go of the
baby. |
Text explicit (“right there”) questions |
What does the couple fight over in the story? |
What are the two main characters’ names? |
Text implicit (“read-between-the-lines”)
questions |
Why is the man leaving? Explain why you think so. |
What is the relationship between the man and woman? |
What happens to the baby? Justify your answer. |
Text significance (“interpret an element”)
questions |
Why doesn’t the author tell us what happens at the
end? |
Why is the story called “Popular Mechanics?” |
Thematic connection (“universal statement”)
questions |
What is the point of this story? |
What theme(s) does the story touch on? |
Answers to text explicit questions |
They fight over a baby. |
They don’t have names. They’re called “he” and
“she.” |
Answers to text implicit questions |
I think the man is leaving because he cheated on
the woman. I think this because she’s happy he’s |
leaving, and she’s clearly very mad at him (she
swears at him). Also, because he’s the one who is leaving |
and not her, I think that shows that he’s the one
who did something wrong. |
I think the man and woman are husband and wife
because they live together and have a child. |
I think the baby dies because at the end of the
story neither parent is giving up and both are pulling hard |
on the baby’s arms. I think they either split the
baby apart or the baby slipped out of both of their hands |
and fell. |
Answers to text significance questions |
I don’t think the author needs to tell us what
happens for us to understand what happens. I also think he |
does this because since we have to think about what
happens for ourselves, then we’re more likely to |
think about why it happened. |
If “mechanics” means “the way things work,” and the
story is called “Popular Mechanics,” I think the |
author might mean that what happens in the story is
a very popular (although not good) way for things |
to work out between two people, that when people
are separating and there’s a child involved that often |
the one who gets hurt is the child. |
Answers to thematic connection questions |
I think the point of this story is to show that
when adults fight, the real consequence is that they hurt |
others (like the baby) they weren’t really
intending on hurting. |
A theme this story touches on is the theme of
parenthood, and in this case, what not to do if you want |
to be a good parent. A good parent wouldn’t let
his/her own problems cause harm to the child. |
Definitions |
slushy: having the quality of being soft, squishy,
and mushy; in the story the word “slushed” is used |
and I think this means that the cars are moving
through slushy snow and making a mess |