“The Voluptuary”
[See "The Voluptuary" Portrait]
Character Portrayal and Narrative
After studying and discussing “The Voluptuary” by
Gillray, imagine that you actually have an opportunity to meet the Prince of
Wales yourself. Decide for yourself now: How will you portray
the Prince? Is he as irresponsible and disgusting as Gillray portrays
him? Or has Gillray misrepresented the Prince? Is he really a nice,
thoughtful leader? Is he someone who has just made a few mistakes, but is
trying to make up for them?
Imagine you’re a reporter who has accepted an
invitation to meet and eat dinner with the Prince of Wales at his mansion.
Imagine all the details of meeting this man and having a meal with him.
Then write a narrative about your experience for your newspaper. Describe
the moment of your meeting, how the Prince looks and acts, the meal you have
together and the room you eat it in, and how your time with the Prince
concludes. Be sure to convey to your readers how you want to portray the
Prince. Is he as bad as everyone says or not?
- Make sure you tell the full story of your dinner
with the Prince, from the moment of meeting until you left. This will
take several paragraphs, so make sure you break into new paragraphs as
- Make sure you describe the Prince’s physical
appearance, actions, and surroundings in a way that will convey a
particular portrayal. Keep in mind: How do you want your AUDIENCE to
react to the Prince? (like him, hate him, pity him, etc.)
- Use a variety of specific adjectives and similes in
your narrative.
- Use a variety of imagery (sight, smell, taste,
touch/feeling, sound)
- Include some of the dialogue you have with the
Prince in your narrative. You must include AT LEAST 4 lines of dialogue
in correct story form.
- Create a title for your newspaper article and write
your name as a by-line under it at the top of your paper. (example of a
by-line: By Ms. Spachman)
- LENGTH: 2 pages (one side) hand written OR 1.5
pages double spaced, typed, with 1” margins and 12 pt. Times/Arial font.
(NOTE: if you “publish” your article—see Extras below—the length of your
article will appear longer).
- Typing, as always, is extra credit.
- Actually write out your narrative to look like a
published news article. Look at newspapers you might have at your home
and mimic the layout of a newspaper article, including paying attention to
how your title and by-line should look for such an article.