You will be working in
teams of 3 or 4. Everyone should be an idea person. In
addition, one person should be the writer, one person should be the marker,
and one person should be the reader/checker. The writer will record your
team’s ideas on the game sheets. The marker will be in charge of drawing a
line under your team’s LAST idea and putting your team’s “mark” (sticker)
next to your list. The reader/checker will be in charge of making sure
you follow rule #3.
The object of ROUND ONE
of the game is to be the team who can come up with the most original
synonyms for all the colors used in the game.
ROUND ONE--The Rules:
You may start writing when I say “go” and you must stop writing when
I say “stop.”
You must write at least ONE idea at each station to get points for
participating in the game. Your team will lose 5 points for each station
you miss.
You may not REPEAT what another team has already written. If you do,
points will be deducted from your team’s overall score.
Your “synonyms” must be genuine synonyms (like “tangerine” for
“orange”) OR a specific adjective-noun combination (“light yellow” is NOT
specific; “vomit yellow” IS SPECIFIC).
Your synonyms must make sense. (“Vomit black” doesn’t make a whole
lot of sense to most people.)
You may use your homework to help your team during the game.
The object of ROUND TWO
of the game is to be the team who can come up with the most original similes
for all the colors used in the game.
ROUND TWO--The Rules:
Rules 1-3 from Round One still apply.
Your “similes” must be universal enough to make sense beyond this
classroom. (You shouldn’t write “Purple like Monica’s shirt.” because
Monica’s shirt isn’t always purple and not everyone knows who Monica is.
“Purple like Barney.” is much more universal.) |