Pre-Relay Color List Assignment
DUE: Wednesday,
Sept. 8 (This homework is your ticket into class tomorrow.)
You have been assigned one basic color.
You must also choose another color from the following basic color
list: red,
yellow, white, pink, green, blue, purple, black, brown
For each of your colors,
make a list of 8-10 "synonyms" for that color.
Use the work we did together on the color "orange"
as an example of what to do.
Your "synonyms" can be
actual words that mean the same color (e.g., "tangerine" is a synonym for
"orange"), OR
they can be things that
are universally known to be that color (e.g., "basketball" or "sunrise"
for "orange"), OR
they can be specific
adjectives to more clearly describe your color (e.g., "burnt orange").
DO NOT make a list
that includes the following:
Your synonyms should
not include generic words like "light" (as in "light orange") or "dark,"
"medium," "pale," etc.
Your synonyms should
not include other colors like "red orange" or "yellow orange."
A suggestion:
Try to be as creative as possible. The more interesting your synonyms,
the better. Use a thesaurus and a dictionary.