Learning about the Greek
List ______________________
(Write the name of your god on this line.)
Use the Collaboratory,
http://collaboratory.nunet.net for this activity. “Learning about the
Greek Gods” appears as an activity under the “Greek Gods Character Sketch”
To receive credit for this part of the activity, you
must find 2 to 3 of the best informational web-based sources from which you
plan on gathering information about your god. This requires that you view
MORE than 3 web-based resources, decide which ones are the 2-3 best ones,
and then record that information below. You must also give a specific
justification of why each source you picked qualifies as one of “the best.”
Source 1:
Website address:
Name of the web page:
Author or company who created
the page: ______________________________________________
Date you accessed the page:
Justification (Why is this source one of “the best”
sources of information on your Greek god?):
Justification (Why is this source one of “the best”
sources of information on your Greek god?):
Source 2:
Website address:
Name of the web page:
Author or company who created
the page: ______________________________________________
Date you accessed the page:
Justification (Why is this source one of “the best”
sources of information on your Greek god?):
Source 3:
Website address:
Name of the web page:
Author or company who created
the page: ______________________________________________
Date you accessed the page:
Justification (Why is this source one of “the best”
sources of information on your Greek god?):