Literary Word Challenge
For Hogan’s IB “Killas” vs. Spachman’s
“A.P. Annihilators”
The Challenge Has Been
Thrown Down
The Battle of the Literary Geniuses Will
Happen Before Break!
- Allegory
is a story in which people, things, and actions represent an idea or a
generalization about life; allegories often have a strong moral or
Ex: Plato’s allegory of the cave
- Allusion
is a literary reference to a familiar person, place, thing, or event.
Ex: He is a strong as Hercules.
- Analogy
is a comparison of two or more similar objects, suggesting that if they
are alike in certain respects, they will probably be alike in other ways
as well.
Ex: The first trip to space was
like the birth of a new baby.
- Anecdote
is a short summary of a humorous event used to make a point.
Ex: I missed my alarm clock and
got to school late. On the way to class I tripped down the stairs because I
was in such a hurry. Ms. Spachman saw me and laughed…cruelly.
Antagonist is the
person or thing working against the protagonist, or hero, of the work.
Ex: Wicked Witch in The Wizard
of Oz, Darth Vader in Star Wars, death in “The Death of the
Moth,” the “cruel hand” in “Old Mrs. Grey.”
Caricature is a
picture or an imitation of a person’s features or mannerisms exaggerated
in a comic or absurd way.
Characterization is
the method an author used to reveal characters and their personalities.
- Climax
is usually the most intense point in a story.
- Comedy
is literature in which human errors or problems appear funny. Comedies
end on a happy note.
Ex: Ms. Hogan’s real life.
- Conflict
is the problem or struggle in the story that triggers the action
Person vs
One character in a story has a problem with one or more of the other
Person vs.
A character has a problem with some element of society: the school, the law,
the accepted way of doing things.
Person vs. self:
A character has a problem deciding what to do in a certain situation.
Person vs.
A character has a problem with nature: heat, cold, a tornado, an avalanche,
or any other element of nature.
Person vs. fate
A character must battle what seems to be an uncontrollable problem.
Whenever the conflict is an unbelievable or strange coincidence, it can be
attributed to fate or an act of God.
Denouement is the
final resolution or outcome of a play or story.
- Diction
is an author’s choice of words based on their correctness, clearness, or
- Archaic
diction: words are
those that are old-fashioned and no longer sound natural when used, as “I
believe thee not” for “I don’t believe you.”
Colloquial diction: an
expression that is usually accepted in informal situations and certain
locations, as in “He really grinds my beans.”
- Jargon
diction: is the
specialized language used by a specific group, such as those who use
computers: override, interface, download.
Profanity diction: is
language that shows disrespect for someone or something regarded as holy
or sacred.
- Slang
diction: is the
informal language used by a particular group of people among themselves,
it is also language that is used in fiction to lend color and feeling:
awesome, G-Unit, yous.
Vulgarity or Vulgar diction:
is language that is generally considered crude, gross, and, at times,
offensive. It is sometimes used in fiction to add realism.
- Didactic
literature instructs or presents a moral or religious statement.
- Drama
is the form of literature known as plays; but drama also refers to the
type of serious play that is often concerned with the leading character’s
relationship to society.
- Dramatic
monologue is a
literary work (or part of a literary work) in which a character is
speaking about themselves as if another person were present. The words
the speaker reveals something important about their character.
- Empathy
is putting yourself in someone else’s place and imagining how that person
must feel.
- Epic
is a long narrative poem that tells of the deeds and adventures of a hero.
- Epigram
is a brief, witty saying or poem often dealing with its subject in a
satirical manner:
Ex: “There never was a good war or
a bad peace.” –Ben Franklin
- Epiphany
is a sudden perception (the ah-ha Oprah moment) or understanding that
causes a character to change or act in a certain way.
- Epitaph
is a short poem or verse written in memory of someone.
- Epithet
is a word or phrase used in place of a person’s name, it is characteristic
of that person: Alexander the Great, Material Girl, Ms. Know-It-All.
Exaggeration is
overstating or sketching the truth for special effect.
Ex: My shoes are killing me!
Exposition is writing
that is intended to explain something that might otherwise be difficult to
understand. In a play or novel, it would be the portion that gives the
background or situation surrounding the story.
- Fable
is a short fictional narrative that teaches a lesson.
- Falling
action is the part of
a play or story that works out the decision arrived at during the climax.
- Farce
is literature based on a humorous and improbable plot.
Figurative language is
language used to create a special effect or feeling.
- Figure
of speech is a
literary device used to create a special effect or feeling by making some
type of interesting or creative comparison.
Antithesis is an
opposition, or contrast, of ideas
Ex: “It was the best of times, it
was the worst of times.”
Hyperbole is an
exaggeration or overstatement:
Ex: I have seen this river so wide
it had only one bank
- Metaphor
is a comparison of two unlike things in which no word of comparison (like
or as) is used.
Ex: A great plant is a machine that
runs on solar energy.
- Metonymy
is the substituting of one world for another related word:
Ex: The White House has decided to
create more public service jobs. (White House is substituted for president).
Personification is a
literary device in which the author speaks of or describes an animal,
object, or idea as if it were a person
Ex: The rock stubbornly refused to
- Simile
is a comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as:
Ex: “She stood in front of the
alter, shaking like a freshly caught trout.”