Journal #3 for “Master Harold”
Complete the following assignment, preferably by
4/19, but I will collect it on 4/20. (Complete upon finishing your reading
of the play.)
Techniques, techniques....
1. The songs. Take a look at the lyrics of a couple
of the songs in 'Master Harold.' You can get the lyrics of
"You're the Cream in my Coffee" and "Little Man (You've Had a Busy Day)"
through my website. Discuss the significance of these songs within the
scenes they appear in and within the play as a whole. What effects are
these songs supposed to have?
2. The setting. Consider the setting of this play.
It all takes place in an ordinary diner/restaurant. Discuss the
significance of that within the play/the effect(s) that has on the audience.
3. The kite memory.
Part One: Consider the
symbolic aspects of the kite as described in this memory and how they hook
up with other elements (hint: perhaps characters? perhaps issues?) in the
Part Two: Also,
clearly with this kite scene, we see something similar to what we saw in
Death of a Salesman, a “live” recreation of a remembered moment. How
else are these aspects of the two plays similar? Different?
4. The phone calls. Why phone calls? Why not have mom
and dad (or one of them at least) show up in this play in person? Effects?
5. The beginning... the end. The play begins and ends
with Sam and Willie alone on stage, their relationship framing the
interaction with Hally. Does doing this serve to highlight the importance
of Hally's presence or does it marginalize him? Explain your opinion and
how your interpretation is significant to the play as a whole. |