Close Reading
Exercise #2
On your own, read the following poems. Mark them up
according to what you notice.
Then determine the principle difference between
“An Army Corps on the March”
By Walt Whitman
With its cloud of
skirmishers in advance,
With now the sound
of a single shot snapping like a whip, and now
an irregular
The swarming ranks
press on and on, the dense brigades press on,
Glittering dimly,
toiling under the sun-the dust-cover'd men,
In columns rise and
fall to the undulations of the ground,
With artillery
interspers'd-the wheels rumble, the horses sweat,
As the army corps
“The Night March”
By Herman Melville
With banners furled, and clarions mute,
An army passes in the night,
And beaming spires and helms salute,
The dark with bright.
In silence deep the legions stream,
With open ranks, in order true;
Over boundless plains they stream and gleam—
No chief in view!
Afar, in twinkling distance lost,
(So legends tell) he lonely wends
And back through all that shining host
His mandate sends. |