Passage Description |
Location of Passage |
# of Lines |
Mom and “storytelling” |
In Chapter
7: page 38 from “Or in a park somewhere…” to the break on p. 39 AND THEN
from “I would like to believe this is a story I’m telling” to the end of the
chapter [Leave out the section on lost time and Offred’s daughter.]. |
57 |
Doctor Passage |
In Chapter
11: page 60 from “When I’m arranged I reach my hand out…” to the end of the
chapter. |
65 |
sitting room, pre-Ceremony |
In Chapter
14: page 80 from “The room smells of lemon oil…” to page 82 (top) “I read
that somewhere, once.” |
56 |
Ceremony |
In Chapter
16: first line of the chapter “The Ceremony goes as usual.” AND THEN page
93 (bottom) from “My arms are raised…” to the end of the chapter. |
76 |
and the Commander playing Scrabble |
In Chapter
23: page 138 from “‘I’d like you to play a game of Scrabble with me…’” to
the end of the chapter. |
65 |
remembering the night before she and Luke tried to escape from the new
society |
In Chapter
30: page 192 from “The night before we left the house…” to the end of the
chapter |
61 |
and the Commander discussing Gilead |
In Chapter
32: page 210 (very top) to page 211 “It always means worse for some.” |
57 |
Moira at
Jezebel’s |
In Chapter
38: page 238 from “When that was over they showed me a movie.” to the end of
the chapter. |
71 |
ending |
In Chapter
46: page 293 from “It’s all right. It’s Mayday.” to the end of the chapter. |
50 |
Passage Description |
Location of Passage |
# of Lines |
chapter—In the gymnasium |
All of
Chapter 1 |
44 |
“Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.” |
In Chapter
9: page 52 from “I saved the cupboard until the third day” to the end of the
chapter. |
46 |
Remembering Luke |
In Chapter
18: page 103 (very beginning) to page 104 “…blowing in as dust across the
floor.” |
32 |
escape from the Red Center and reconstruction |
In Chapters
22-3: page 133 from “The story passed among us that night…” to page 134
“Although for them it may have lasted all the forever they had.” |
32 |
allusions galore… one night in Offred’s head |
In Chapter
30: page 194 from “I pray where I am…” to the end of the chapter. |
44 |
Jezebel's |
In Chapter 37: page 234
from "I stand still and stare at them." to 236 "It shouldn't be that hard." |
46 |