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Greek Mythology Quiz #2 |
Quiz Questions |
DIRECTIONS: Read each statement below. Decide whether the statement is true or false and click on your answer. If you want to keep track of how you do, you will need to mark down how many correct or incorrect you get as you go.
1. Hephaestus is Zeus's brother.
True | False |
2. One of Zeus's symbols is the eagle.
True | False |
3. Ares is the most powerful god.
True | False |
4. Demeter's other name is Ceres.
True | False |
5. Hestia and Vesta are sisters.
True | False |
6. Aphrodite is a virgin goddess.
True | False |
7. Greek mortals celebrated an annual festival called the Bacchanalia in honor of Dionysus.
True | False |
8. Apollo's other name is Mars.
True | False |
9. Poseidon is Hera's brother.
True | False |
10. Athena is extremely wise.
True | False |
11. Artemis is known best for her beauty.
True | False |
12. Mars and Venus are twin brother and sister.
True | False |
13. Dionysus is Zeus's son.
True | False |
14. Hermes is crippled and lame.
True | False |
15. Juno is one of Zeus's other names.
True | False |
16. Demeter is sometimes not included in the group of 12 Olympic gods.
True | False |
17. Hades is NOT an Olympic god.
True | False |
18. Diana is a mighty huntress.
True | False |
19. Athena is the goddess of Arts and Crafts.
True | False |
20. Hephaestus is mean and quarrelsome.
True | False |