ENGLISH A1—HIGHER LEVEL—PAPER 2 PRACTICE ESSAY Due: Thursday, May 1 (in-class, not 4 pm) 2 hours—Regulate your own time! Do not go over 2 hours!
· Hamlet · “Master Harold” …and the Boys · Death of a Salesman · A Doll’s House
Two hints: Even when they don’t specifically ask you for it, IB questions expect you to include, to some extent, a discussion of “overall effect,” a.k.a. judgment of a theme. If a questions asks you to discuss how “effectively” the work has done something, you might want to discuss that in your conclusion (depending on how much importance that request is given in the question).
Drama 1. Either (a) “Time and place are the basic elements of a play.” In what ways does your study of two or three plays lead you to support (or modify) this generalization? Or (b) Using plays you have studied, write an essay on the presentation of the relationships between male and female characters (or between characters of the same sex), giving some idea of the dramatic effects achieved by these means.
General Questions on Literature 5. Either (a) Communication between person and person, and between groups is a common problem addressed in literature. How did works you studied deal with such matters, and how did they interest readers in them? Or (b) A playwright said of one of his characters: “…she was a demonic character; the size of her feelings was too great to contain without the escape of madness.” Discuss the presentation of “madness,” or mental disturbance, or very powerful feelings in works you have studied, saying what was the effect in each case. Or (c) Literature admits conflicts between good and good, as well as between good and evil. Which two or three works would you choose to discuss to illustrate this generalization, and why might both types of conflict be important? Or (d) “Comedy injected into despair.” How far and to what effect have you found these, or any other two apparently incompatible qualities, linked in works you have studied? How effectively have they been presented? |