Catcher Essay Assignment |
The essay options below all have the following
in common:
- All are meant to be ARGUMENTATIVE essays
- All must use textual and cited evidence from the text(s) to support
the argument you propose
- All must be full-fledged essays with introductions, bodies, and
- All require prior approval of a thesis and/or pre-writing
Your assignment is to pick ONE of the essay
options below to write your Catcher essay about.
- Early deadline: June 3 by 4 pm (or 7 pm on-line
w/ the Collaboratory) (5% extra credit for essay)
- Final deadline: June 7 by 4 pm (or 7 pm on-line
with the Collaboratory)
Argumentative Essay Options on Catcher
- Option 1: Reliability Argument: What is Holden
trying to sell and is he reliable (according to our warrants/rules)?
(pre-writing must be shown to Ms. Spachman prior to writing the essay;
use pre-writing chart on reliability)
- Option 2: Comparative Argument: Catcher’s
Holden and the narrator of “How I Contemplated…”—Create-an-Argument
(prior approval of thesis required)
- Option 3: Comparative Argument: Catcher’s
Holden and Chato de Shamrock in “The Somebody”—Create-an-Argument
(prior approval of thesis required)
- Option 4: Answer the following question in a thorough
argument—At the end of the novel, has Holden Caulfield “sold
out” by not running away? Use your understanding of Holden as
he is portrayed in the novel to argue your answer (prior approval
of thesis required)
- Option 5: Answer the following question in a thorough
argument—Is Holden Caulfield a hero or an anti-hero? Use your
understanding of Holden as he is portrayed in the novel to argue your
answer (prior approval of thesis required)
The Essay Requirements: |
Do not begin on your essay until you
have your required pre-writing approved by Ms. Spachman. |
- Your essay must be typed. [12 pt. Times or Arial
font, double-spaced, 1” margins] You can do this at home or
at school. The College & Career Center is available to you during
your lunch hour (and you can bring a disk), or you can use the library
(but no disks allowed in there). Another option is to schedule a time
to use the computer in the classroom before or after school. Plan
ahead. No excuses. You must turn in a hard copy by 6/7 at 4 pm OR
publish your work on-line at http://collaboratory.nunet.net
by 6/7 at 7 pm.
- Your essay must be an essay. This means using the
essay structure of having an introduction, body, and conclusion.
- Your essay must be free of the 3 deadly sins and as many
other errors as possible.
- List the essay option you selected in the heading of your
How will I be graded? |
This assignment is worth a total of 90 points. You can earn them by: |
- Getting your pre-writing approved prior to writing your essay. You
must be approved no later than 4 pm, Thursday, June 3. (If you’re
going for the early deadline, you should aim at being approved no
later than Tuesday, June 1—yes, you can email me.) (20 points)
- Writing an engaging introduction with a relevant attention getter,
appropriate context (including text title(s) and names of relevant
characters), and your thesis. (5 points)
- Making sure you’ve included page citations and properly quoted
your evidence every time. (5 points)
- Writing each body paragraph clearly with all the necessary elements
of a logical argument. This means you’ve used appropriate transitions,
written a topic sentence, used quoted text as evidence, explained
your quotes (with a reliability rule as necessary), and tied your
point back to your thesis. Your body paragraphs should also include
appropriate context where necessary (for example, you may need to
let your reader know a little about what’s going on in that
part of the story for your quote to make sense). (40 points)
- Ordering your argument logically (which points you bring up first,
second, third, etc.). For example, it doesn’t make much sense
to open with a point that proves someone is a murderer and end with
a point that only suggests that person is lying. (5 points)
- Writing a convincing conclusion that doesn’t summarize your
entire argument. (5 points)
- Eliminating errors and confusing language. Write your essay clearly
and take pride in the finished product. (10 points)
- Typing your essay. If it’s not typed, it won’t get graded.
- Extra credit: Publish your work on http://collaboratory.nunet.net.
There is a Catcher folder in the “Unreliable Narrators”
binder. (4 points)
The EARLY deadline for your essay is June
3. |
The absolutely, totally, irrevocably final
deadline for this essay is June 7.
No lates will be accepted after the June 7 deadline has passed. |