Name: ________________________________

Ability Survey

1.      Please mark ALL of the boxes below to indicate how you view your abilities.  Use a scale between 1 and 5.  Do not use the same number twice.

1 = I’m the best at this! --------------------------  5 = I’m the least good at this.



(you are good at understanding what you read to a very deep level)


(you are good at drawing/painting and being creative)


(you are good at laying out how something should look)


(you are good at organizing and motivating people to get a job done)


(you have a good vocabulary OR are naturally curious about words & trying to use them)




2.      If you marked a 1 or 2 in the “Artist” box, please draw a sample piece of work that focuses on a human face.  You should complete this sample in the space below.  Then proceed to #3 below and write an explanation for the other box you marked a 1 or 2 in.







3.      For each areas you marked a 1 or 2 in (except for the “Artist” box), please explain why you feel you are good in those areas.  Give a specific example of something you’ve done to help explain.  Continue on back as needed.