Extra Sample "Slip or Trip? Argument |
2004 |
It is very obvious. Everyone knows it. In the case of “Slip
or Trip?”, Margaret murdered her husband after having a fight.
All of the evidence points to it: the hard evidence, the motive, the
opportunity. It all verifies that what we have in our hands is murder.
In the next few moments, we intend to prove that. |
First of all, we can establish that Margaret had motive and opportunity to kill Charles. Earlier in the evening on the night Charles died, Margaret and Charles had a heated argument. Clearly, this shows that Margaret had a motive to harm Charles. Furthermore, we know that Margaret, who had abandoned Charles at home after their fight, went to her country club for most of the evening. When she left the club at 1 a.m., Margaret invited several of her friends to follow her home. She arrived home ten minutes before her guests. This establishes that Margaret had ample opportunity to kill Charles before her friends arrived. These facts make it clear that Margaret should be considered a prime suspect in this “accident.” |
Additionally, we have more than just motive and opportunity to suspect Margaret. Charles’ glass, for instance, is extremely suspicious. When Charles’ was found, there was an unbroken glass in his hand. Also, Margaret claimed that Charles had fallen down the stairs “while coming down for another drink.” When you fall while carrying something downstairs, you will drop whatever you’re carrying to try to stop your fall. Due to this, we believe that Margaret is lying about what happened. There is no way Charles could have fallen down the stairs and still held onto that glass. As a result, we have further reason to suspect the sneaky Margaret. |
Not only is the glass suspicious, but so is the position of Charles’ body. Charles was found lying on his back with his feet on the stairs. When you fall while coming downstairs, you fall flat on your front, fall back and slide down on your back, or fall and roll landing on your back with your head on the stairs. However you fall, you’re not likely to land on your back with your feet on the stairs. Once again, the facts don’t match Margaret’s story. If this really had been an accident, Margaret wouldn’t have any reason to lie. Therefore, Margaret must be guilty of foul play. |
If that wasn’t enough, there’s still more conclusive evidence of Margaret’s phony story—and it’s hanging on the wall. All of the decorations on the stairway wall haven't been moved. Moreover, Charles' right hand isn't holding anything. If you fall while coming downstairs, you will reach out to try to stop your fall. Yet, Charles, for some strange reason, seems not to have used his free right hand to stop his fall because nothing on the wall has been disturbed. Once again, the clues expose Margaret’s story for what it is: the treacherous lie of a wicked murderess. |
Finally, there is the matter of how Margaret managed to commit her dastardly deed. We know from the coroner’s report that Charles died of a "wound to the head." We also know there was a skillet cooking on the stove at 1 a.m. when the "accident" was discovered. Our question is why was someone cooking at such a late hour? Could it be that someone was trying to destroy evidence? We strongly believe that skillet was used to kill Charles, and while further testing will be needed to establish this fact, we know the lying Margaret is the only one who could have inflicted Charles' fatal head wound. |
In conclusion, Charles isn’t dead because of a drunken accident. He’s dead because his wife Margaret is a killer. Now her fate is in your hands. Are you willing to let this callous murderess go free? Or will you take action and put her in jail for the rest of her deceitful days? |