Direct Questioning—Establishing
Your Argument
WITNESS you will call to the stand (must be on
your side or a neutral witness you plan on using):
POINT(S) you will establish for your side
with this witness: _________________________
QUESTIONS you will directly ask this witness:
(# the questions once you decide in what order you will
ask them—let your witness know what these questions are! Also: see the
“Direct Examination” section in your packet, pp. 25-26)
ANTICIPATE the opposition’s cross-examination:
What questions might your opposition ask to “ruin” the points you made with
this witness or “ruin” the credibility (believability) of your witness?
RE-DIRECT: What questions will you ask again
(if any) to try to re-establish your witness’s credibility or to
re-establish a point you need to make with this witness?
(Do not over use this; you should not go back and
revisit everything you tried to establish before the cross